Gustav the little bear
My stories:
Gustav the little bear
My stories:
your friend from the mountains
The Cherry Tree
The Cherry Tree

Gustav had a cherry tree. He liked to pick cherries from his tree, when they turned red.
Gustav had a cherry tree. He liked to pick cherries from his tree, when they turned red.

The cherries turned dark pink...
`Tomorrow I will bake a cherry pie!`
The cherries turned dark pink...
`Tomorrow I will bake a cherry pie!`

But the next day the ripe cherries were gone.
But the next day the ripe cherries were gone.

`Who ate my cherries?`
`Who ate my cherries?`

Later Gustav saw a bird flying over the tree.
`Did you eat my cherries, bird?
`No, I wouldn`t do that. See, my feathers are blue, like your nose and ears.`
Later Gustav saw a bird flying over the tree.
`Did you eat my cherries, bird?
`No, I wouldn`t do that. See, my feathers are blue, like your nose and ears.`

Then Gustav saw a squirrel.
`Did you steal my cherries?`
`No I am a beautiful squirrel, not a thief!`
`Who stole my cherries then?`
`Look, there is the thief! That scary creature full of scales.`
Then Gustav saw a squirrel.
`Did you steal my cherries?`
`No I am a beautiful squirrel, not a thief!`
`Who stole my cherries then?`
`Look, there is the thief! That scary creature full of scales.`

Gustav ran to the creature with scales.
`I got you thief!`
`I`m no thief, I`m a pangolin.`
`You ate my cherries!` growled Gustav.
`I don`t eat cherries. I only eat insects.`
`I don`t believe you!`
Gustav ran to the creature with scales.
`I got you thief!`
`I`m no thief, I`m a pangolin.`
`You ate my cherries!` growled Gustav.
`I don`t eat cherries. I only eat insects.`
`I don`t believe you!`

`Look, the bird and the squirrel are eating your cherries.`
Gustav ran to the tree.
`Stop eating my cherries!`
`Look, the bird and the squirrel are eating your cherries.`
Gustav ran to the tree.
`Stop eating my cherries!`

Gustav tried to catch the bird and the squirrel but they were too fast for him.
Gustav tried to catch the bird and the squirrel but they were too fast for him.

They just left half-eaten cherries...
They just left half-eaten cherries...

Gustav searched for the Pangolin.
`I am sorry I called you a thief, Pangolin. The bird and the squirrel told me you had eaten the cherries. And ... you look scary...`
`Because of my scales? Yes, everyone is afraid of my scales. I don`t have beautiful fur or feathers...`
`Pangolin, why don`t you move to my tree? You can eat insects and scare away birds and squirrels.`
That was how the Pangolin moved into Gustav`s tree. The cherries were now safe for everyone was afraid of the Pangolin`s scales.
The next story is about a cousin of mine
Bear Teeth
Bear Teeth

In the fall, a bear appeared in the forest. He pulled out a harmonica, played and sang.
All animals gathered around him and forgot about working.
All animals?

Not the hard working hamster. He kept gathering food for the winter and thought:
`What will the bear eat when winter arrives?`
Not the hard working hamster. He kept gathering food for the winter and thought:
`What will the bear eat when winter arrives?`
The bear wasn`t worried. He always got food from the candy store.
Only... When winter arrived the candy store closed. No more food for the bear!
The bear wasn`t worried. He always got food from the candy store.
Only... When winter arrived the candy store closed. No more food for the bear!

The bear tried to sleep but his empty tummy growled and growled.
Snow-covered he wondered in the forest.
No food...
Suddenly he noticed a mound. The hamster`s home!
The bear tried to sleep but his empty tummy growled and growled.
Snow-covered he wondered in the forest.
No food...
Suddenly he noticed a mound. The hamster`s home!

`I smell food inside`, sniffed the bear and started digging.
Soon he had dug up the hamster.
`Good morning, Mr. Meal!`
`My name is Hamster!`
`To me you`re Mr. Meal and I`m going to eat you!`

`Listen`, spoke the hamster, `if you spare me, I`ll show you a place where you can eat as much as you want.`
`Eat what? Hamsters? Candy?`asked the bear.
`Listen`, spoke the hamster, `if you spare me, I`ll show you a place where you can eat as much as you want.`
`Eat what? Hamsters? Candy?`asked the bear.

`I will take you to eat candy.`
After some time they reached a gingerbread house full of candy. But it was guarded by a dragon. The hamster whispered:
`You can eat the candy, for it grows back. Just try not to wake up the dragon, for he likes to bite.`
While the bear was busy eating the candy, the hamster sneaked away.

The hamster had almost reached his den when he heard:
The bear! The growling got louder and louder:
`What`s the matter?`asked the hamster.
`My front teeth got stuck on the candy!` growled the bear.
And he showed the hamster a piece of candy with his front teeth stuck on it.
`Well, that`s it for your teeth...`
The hamster had almost reached his den when he heard:
The bear! The growling got louder and louder:
`What`s the matter?`asked the hamster.
`My front teeth got stuck on the candy!` growled the bear.
And he showed the hamster a piece of candy with his front teeth stuck on it.
`Well, that`s it for your teeth...`

`Can you put them back? Please?`
`No. But you`re a young bear, new teeth will grow!`
`In the spring.`
`But how can I bite into my food now?`
`Now you should go to sleep, like all bears. In the spring you will wake up with new teeth.`
`See you in the spring then!`

`I hope never to see this bear again...` thought the hamster.
They all went to sleep.
Winter passed. Spring arrived... And the bear was back:
`Grrr! I have new teeth, look!` He smiled, showing his teeth.

`And I have a present for you. This bag of candy!`
`I don`t like candy` squeaked the hamster. `It makes teeth fall off, like it happened to you, remember?`
`Bears must have fish and berries.`

`You can have strong teeth too. Eat berries and fish instead of candy or hamsters.`
`I`ll show you a lake with fish. They taste great and make your teeth strong.`
Soon the bear was splashing in the water, diving for fish. It was more fun than going to the candy store!
Anyway, even when the fish is hard to catch, a smart bear can always find clams and berries. With this food, his teeth grew very strong and never fell out again.
More stories and paintings coming soon folks!
More stories and paintings coming soon folks!