Gustav the little bear
My stories:
Gustav the little bear
My stories:
your friend from the mountains

Hi. My name is Ted. I`m a pelican and a friend of Gustav.
This is how we became friends.
Hi. My name is Ted. I`m a pelican and a friend of Gustav.
This is how we became friends.

My friend Gustav was an orphan. He had been taken in by a boar family. Here he is walking with them. At first boars and bear lived happy together.
But as Gustav grew up, everyone started to notice that he was no piglet.
My friend Gustav was an orphan. He had been taken in by a boar family. Here he is walking with them. At first boars and bear lived happy together.
But as Gustav grew up, everyone started to notice that he was no piglet.

`He has a funny fur!`
`And he walks silly!` squealed a young boar imitating Gustav. All piglets laughed.
Soon the piglets no longer wanted to play with Gustav. Their neighbors, the wolves, even threw pebbles after him
`He has a funny fur!`
`And he walks silly!` squealed a young boar imitating Gustav. All piglets laughed.
Soon the piglets no longer wanted to play with Gustav. Their neighbors, the wolves, even threw pebbles after him

One day, as Gustav was looking at his reflection in the water and crying I flew over the lake and asked:
`Why are you crying? Have you lost a fish?`
`No, it¨s just.... My fur is so ugly... Everyone says it looks like a rug...`
I shook my head:
`They say that because they`re envious. You have fur and they only have bristles.`
Gustav sighed: `If I had bristles no one would make fun of me!`
`But fur is much warmer. And it protects much better against wind and rain than bristles.`
`I had never thought about it...`
`Well, that's the truth. And your fur is like my beak!`

`Yeap. You see, many birds make fun of my beak. Some even say it looks like a bag. But with my beak I can catch more fish (and donuts) than they do!`
`I sure like talking to you Pelican!`
And that`s how we became friends

When winter arrived Gustav`s foster father told him:
`You eat like a bear. You are no boar like us and we can no longer feed you!
From now on you must find your own food.`
Gustav talked to me about this.
When winter arrived Gustav`s foster father told him:
`You eat like a bear. You are no boar like us and we can no longer feed you!
From now on you must find your own food.`
Gustav talked to me about this.

I said:
`Well, I was thinking of flying south for the winter. If you want, you can come with me. I will carry you inside my beak.`
Gustav liked my idea. The next day we flew south.

From inside my beak Gustav spotted a berry field and said:
`Let`s eat berries!`
We landed and started to eat berries.
But suddenly we heard:

`Stop eating my berries, you robbers!`
It was the voice of a coyote!
`Your berries? We... We didn't know...`stammered Gustav.
I said:
`But we can pay you, I mean we could work for you.`
`Good idea`, growled the coyote. `Start rakîng that field!`

It was a big field. We raked until sunset. Finally the coyote barked:
`Now you can sleep in the tower over there. Tomorrow there`s more work!`
I coughed: `What about pay?`

`Pay!? You work to pay me for the berries you ate and for sleeping here. I`ll lock you up, to make sure you`re here tomorrow.`
Neither of us were very happy about this. Still, tired from all the work, we soon fell asleep.
At dawn the coyote woke us:
`You Pelican, bring me a big fish. The bear stays here. I`ve got extra work for him.`
When I returned with the fish I found neither coyote nor bear:
`Where is Gustav? I hope the coyote didn`t hurt him...`

I searched for Gustav in every nook and cranny. After much flying I saw some furry creatures by a lake. One of them was Gustav. I called him:
`Hey, I was worried about you!`
`No need to worry. These bears helped me. They chased away the coyote. They all have fur like me and we have a lot of fun together.`
This bear family was very kind. Thanks to them we found a nice place in the mountains where we then started to live.